I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last blog post!! On one hand I am sorry and feel terrible for how neglectful I have been in keeping you all updated. On the other hand I am excited and proud to say that I have been busy. My life has picked right back up and I'm learning how to juggle work, Dr apts, being a wife, mother of a new 1st grader, dance and everything else going on in our lives. I remember just 13 weeks ago I was confined to my bed engulfed in pillows watching more hours of Netflix then I like to admit to, unable to dress myself. To put my life during that time into perspective.. I may or may not have watched every episode of house hunters and friends. The days drug on. Now I feel as if I can't keep up!!!
Last weekend I spent some time in Chicago at my sister's. The little get away was so relaxing and such a nice treat. We spent some time on the beach where I publicly wore my swim suit for the very first time since the mastectomy!!! Surely a memory I will never forget.
I am officially 13 weeks post op as of today and I am doing great!! My skin, while still thin, seems to be holding up quite well, finally allowing me to go full steam ahead with my fills. I have only been able to tollerate receiving 30ccs every two weeks so far, but have been given the ok to increase to weekly appointments starting next week!!! Things are progressing beautifully and the foobs just hit 230cc's meaning we are over half way there!!!
Only 170cc to go and I will be done with the expansion process. I am still trying to wrap my mind around being half way there. I am only half way there!! Compared to the flat chest I had just 13 weeks ago I feel as if my foobs are HUGE at their current status! It is hard for me to imagine these things nearly doubling as I press forward closer to the end where I will max out at 400cc.
A lot has changed over the weeks. Many things that don't meet the eye, some that I couldn't even begin to explain. But rest assured when I say all is well. As a female, we spend our adolescence waiting for our breasts to form. As children stuffing socks into our shirts giggling as what we imagine it will be like. We grow up associating breasts with the female body, they are a part of us. Truth be told, they are not a part of who you are. I remember crying myself to sleep at night, trying to figure out how my life ended up as it had, wondering when and if I would ever truly feel beautiful again, and learning to look at myself in the mirror without feeling pain while trying to find my confidence again. It is a process, I'll be honest, and a great journey that has many ups and downs. But I am getting there!!! I no longer see my reflection as anything but beautiful. I feel strong, I feel empowered and I feel more confident than I ever have in my entire life. There is something so rewarding about knowing you gave a part of you up for a better life in return. My scars are a reminder of the battle I WON and I display them proudly. Don't get me wrong, I still have days where getting dressed causes me some annoyance and sometimes makes me emotional because things don't fit quite as they should, and there are still things that I am physically unable to do, such as picking up my daughter when she's hurt, and quite often I'm hit with discomfort when something is just physically too much though I try to pretend I'm fine. I have reached a point in the expansion where I'm becoming uncomfortable again. And while I feel some pain, I smile and feel excitement knowing just how close I am to closing another chapter of this journey. If you have ever read anything about expanders...it is all true!! These things have no give! They are hard, uncomfortable, and unnatural in every sense of the word!! Haha BUT they are only temporary and it is important to remember that. This isn't my forever, this is just one of the paths leading me to my happily ever after. I am proud to be on my way. Full steam ahead.
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